Tasks aka Nodes

Mailchimp node


This node will allow you to synchronize HyperPortal data with Mailchimp contacts.

The node currently has the following settings:


Here you can enter your credentials for Mailchimp (For example - API key). To add new credentials click on the field, then on 'Add: Credentials'

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To edit existing credentials click on the pencil icon.

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All credentials are stored in CMS -> Credentials

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Please don`t add or edit credentials in CMS, they won`t work that way. You can only add or edit credentials in Workflow node settings.



There are currently two types of authentication - API Key, OAuth2.


Mailchimp node can currently interact with the following resources - Campaign, list group, member, and member tag. Each resource has certain operations.

Member operations

Delete - Deletes the item from Mailchimp. For example - the node will delete the contact from the 'Hyper test' email list.

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It will delete the record that has the same email as the selected contact in the workflow process.

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Get - this operation will get all information about the Mailchimp item.

Example - this node will get information of the Mailchimp contact with the same email as in the selected HyperPortal contact.

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The data from Mailchimp will be shown in JSON format. To view the output of the node you need to go to the process overview.

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Then double-click on the needed node.

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The output of the Mailchimp node will generally look like this -

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You can reference Mailchimp`s output data by entering the name of the field in this way - $json.field_name where 'field_name' is the name of the field.

Let`s look at the example. We have a create entity node. This node will create a contact in HyperPortal using data from the Mailchimp node.

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As you can see it refers to Mailchimp fields by their names. Let`s look at the mapping of the 'Last name' field.

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First, we start with '$json' then we should enter the name of the section('merge_fields') where the last name is. In the end, we should enter the name of the needed field - 'LNAME'. So to refer to the last name we should have this expression - '$json.merge_fields.LNAME'

'Get' operation has the following options -

  • Fields - here you can specify what Mailchimp fields to return
  • Exclude Fields - here you can specify what fields to ignore
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Get all - This operation can get multiple items from Mailchimp. You can set a max limit of the items

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Or you can return all items by enabling the respective option.

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'Get all' operation has the following options

  • Before Last Changed - Restrict results to subscribers whose information changed before the set timeframe.
  • Before Timestamp Opt - Restrict results to subscribers who opted-in before the set timeframe
  • Email Type - Filters users by the type of the email they choose (HTML or text)
  • Status - Restrict results to subscribers who have certain status. (Subscribed, Unsubscribed, Cleaned, Pending, Transactional)
  • Since Last Changed - Restrict results to subscribers whose information changed after the set timeframe.

Update - this operation will update an item in Mailchimp. Example - this node will update a Mailchimp contact with the same email as in the selected HyperPortal contact.

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In the update fields section, you can choose what fields will be updated, and what information will be used to update those fields. For example - we can update the first name of the Mailchimp contact by entering the ID of the corresponding field.

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Campaign operations

Delete, get, and get all operations are the same as in the 'Members' resource.

Replicate - creates a copy of the campaign. To choose a needed campaign you should enter its ID.

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Resend - this operation will resend a campaign, it applies only to campaigns that were previously executed.

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Send - will send a new email campaign

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Updated 20 Apr 2023
Doc contributor
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