This node will divide the flow of the process into two branches based on the conditions.
You can set conditions in the 'Decision criteria' section. Conditions are based on process properties, also you can choose whether the node needs to meet all presented conditions or just one of them.

The first branch is 'No' And it will occur when the set conditions are not met.

If the conditions are met, the process will go to the 'Yes' branch.

To create the task inside the decision node, you need to select the big decision node and click on the plus icon, then you have to choose a branch on which you want to add the task.

You can create multiple tasks inside the branch, but to create a node after the branch you need to select the small decision node at the end and click the plus icon.

If the 'wait for condition' setting is enabled the node will wait for the condition to be met, if it`s not met in the set period of time, the node will go to the 'No' branch.
The waiting time can be set in the 'delay' field (supports computed expression)

We have a process that sends a certain email depending on the status of the payment.

If the payment status isn`t 'Successful' after one day passes, the process will send a 'failed purchase' email to the customer. If the status is 'Successful', the receipt will be sent.
Let`s start the process.

As we can see the payment field is empty and the process is waiting for an update.

Then the receipt was sent to the customer just after the payment status was updated.