List view


'List view' allows you to browse and edit all entity items. You can filter and search items by clicking the buttons at the top of the list.

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You can sort items on the list in ascending order or descending order by clicking on the column title. For example, to show the latest vehicles that were added to the database you need to click twice on the 'Create date' column title.

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Edit view

The 'edit view' feature has the following options:

Ability to copy a view

This feature will allow users to easily duplicate an existing view with settings and immediately switch to the copied view.

  1. UI:
    • In the "Edit View" menu, under the existing "Save Default View" option, there is a menu item called "Copy View"

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  2. Logic:
    • When a user clicks "Copy View", a new view will be created, which is an exact copy of the current view (including all filters, columns, grouping row, sorting, row height, and metrics, except for the share settings).
    • Once the new view is created, the user will be automatically redirected to the newly created view.
  3. Share settings:
    • Share settings will not be copied. If the original view was shared with other users, those settings will not carry over to the copied view.
    • If a user wishes to share the new view, they will need to manually configure and share the view with other users.


Here you can add conditions from the entity properties. There are four options for conditions -

  • 'is empty'/ 'is not empty' (will look for the items where the chosen condition is/isn`t empty)
  • 'is', 'is not'. ( will look for the items that match/don`t match the chosen condition)

There is also an option to find items that meet all or any condition.

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For example, you need to find a vehicle that has a 1.5 L Dragon engine and is in 'BLACK - noir' color. You need to add two conditions 'engine version' and 'color', select 'is' on both conditions, and choose the 'Meet all of the following conditions' option.

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In the Columns section, you can add, delete, and swap columns.

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In order to configure sorting, you need to add a field for sorting and select the asc / desc option. You can add fields that are not included in the columns section. Items will be sorted accordingly to the sorted field but, it won`t show up in the list if it`s not added to the Columns section.

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Clickable metrics

Metrics feature is in fact a combination of HyperPortal filters with metric statistics data. It allows you to easily analyze your stock based on filters that can be preset for each metric. You can create and manage existing metrics in the filter panel under the metrics section.

It allows you to easily analyze your stock based on filters that can be preset for each metric. The other important moment is that now you can enable and disable preset metric filters in one click, without the need to spend a lot of time, configuring filters manually.

You can create and manage existing metrics in the filter panel of the database

Img. 1. New Clickable metric creation.
Img. 1. New Clickable metric creation.

In the metric settings you can configure 3 main blocks:

Metric calculation rules, which determine what and how the metric should count. Here you can choose the type of calculation that you want to perform and the field that you what to perform the calculations on.

Available calculations have the following functions -

Average - this metric will allow you to find an average value of the entity item field (For example - an average price of a vehicle.). The metric is only applicable to numeric type properties.

Sum - will sum all chosen values of the entity item field (For example - an added price of all available vehicles). The metric is only applicable to numeric type properties.

Min - Will find the smallest value from the selected entity items (For example - the price of the cheapest vehicle). The metric is only applicable to numeric type properties.

Max - Will find the biggest value from the selected entity items (For example - the price of the most expensive vehicle). The metric is only applicable to numeric type properties.

Count unique values - will count the amount of the unique values that are used by the chosen entity items (For example - a number of engine models that are used by your vehicles).

Count values - will count the amount of the items where the chosen field is not empty. (For example - number of customers that left their private email).

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Metric units - a textual description of your result value (you can set the name of the unit for each available language.

Metric filtering rules allow you to filter items that will be included in the calculations.

As for the units, please note that currently localized units translations will be saved only if you update your default view after creating a metric.

The metric in the example filters only those vehicles that have Toyota as their manufacturer and then counts how many of those are present in the list.

Now, let say, you have large vehicle stock in your database.

Img. 2. Vehicle database.
Img. 2. Vehicle database.

With just one click you will be able to filter it by make.

Img. 3. Vehicle database filtered by Make metric.
Img. 3. Vehicle database filtered by Make metric.

Or analyze the total net worth of recently sold Electric Vehicles.

Img. 4. Vehicle database filtered by fuel type = electric or hybrid.
Img. 4. Vehicle database filtered by fuel type = electric or hybrid.

You can also apply several metrics at a time and create complex metrics by combining several filters at a time.

Img. 5. Electric metric filtering rule.
Img. 5. Electric metric filtering rule.

Metric filters are applied on top of your default view filters, so they will be applied to what is already filtered in your default view.

However, please note that at this stage of development the functionality of the view filters is limited. There is no possibility to use enclosed filtering rules for the database view. This means that your metrics will count the data correctly, but if you want to activate metric filters in your view, you cannot build your filter like:

Electric Peugeot : [Make = Toyota] AND [[Fuel = Electric] OR [Fuel = hybrid]]

Currently, you can use only one filtering rule ( AND or OR ), so your rule will be displayed like this:

Electric Peugeot : [Make = Toyota] OR [Fuel = Electric] OR [Fuel = hybrid]

or like this:

Electric Peugeot : [Make = Toyota] AND [Fuel = Electric] AND [Fuel = hybrid]

As you can see, the last one will not give you any results, since you cannot have 2 fuel types at once.

Also please note that the All/Any rule is shared between the default view and metric filter, so you will be unable to use All (AND) in the default view and Any (OR) in the metric at the same time. Let's say you have 1 filter in your default view:

Img. 6. Default view global filtering rule.
Img. 6. Default view global filtering rule.

And a metric with 2 filters that are applied to the same Property.

Img. 7. Citröen metric filtering rule.
Img. 7. Citröen metric filtering rule.

If you apply such metric, you will have 0 results, because global filtering rule (All) will be applied and it is not possible to match Make = Citroen and Make = Citröen at the same time.

Img. 8. Citroen metric filters with wrong filtering rule.
Img. 8. Citroen metric filters with wrong filtering rule.

You will have to go to your filter panel and switch the rule.

Img. 9. Citroen metric filters with corrected filtering rule.
Img. 9. Citroen metric filters with corrected filtering rule.

As you can see, now you have the correct results for Citroen metric, but the other metrics are not relevant just yet, because now you have 3 possible conditions that satisfy the filtering rule:

Make = citroen OR Make = Citröen OR Price is not Empty

So you have to delete the price filter in order to see the correct values of all the other metrics applied to your Citröen vehicles.

Img. 10. Correct secondary metric results.
Img. 10. Correct secondary metric results.

The second limitation to the current metrics logic is the metric accuracy. As of now, you can get precise results only if you have up to 3000 items on your list. If there are more, the displayed values will be approximate values and may slightly deviate from 100% precise calculations.

Both of these limitations will be addressed and improved in the next development stage.

Bulk editing

For bulk editing, check the list of entities and click on the 'Bulk edit' button, which will appear in the upper right corner. Then the Bulk edit menu will appear on the right side and here it is possible to set the same values ​​for several selected or all items from the list.

Internal group changes will be abandoned - the title and domain. User can also change the data by enabling the toggle button for each entity field in the Basic info section.

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To search the list of entities, you need to click on the field 'search' and enter the value of any field of the entity. After entering, press Enter buttоn the all entities will be filtered to the desired value.

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Custom / Default view

You can save the current view of the object (metrics, filters, and column order are saved). There are two ways of saving a view. You can create a custom view (see screenshot below)

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it will be displayed in a separate tab under the 'Views' section in CMS

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Then you can edit the custom view separately from the default view, when you are done with the editing you can save the custom view by clicking the 'save custom view' button.

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You can have multiple custom views for one object, each will have separate settings.

You can also edit the default view of the object. To do that you need to find the object in the entities list, then edit view settings, then click on the 'Save default view' button. After the new default view is saved, the object will be always opened with the default view settings.

If you have multiple views for one object, you can switch between them using a selector that is located next to the edit view button (see screenshot below).

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Data export

You can export data from your current view. After you created a desirable view you can export all items by clicking on the icon next to the 'Edit view' then on 'Export view data'

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If you need to export all existing entity items you need to click on 'Export data'.

The system will send you a download link to your email. The exported file will be in xlsx format. It can be opened with most spreadsheets editors like Microsoft Excel, Google sheets, etc.

Updated 21 Oct 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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