Detailed View
In order to open the detailed view, the user should click on the 'eye' icon next to the selected item in the list. Users can edit the properties of an item on the detailed view page.
Calculated properties allow you to create new properties or change existing ones at run-time. For example, if you do not have the required values in the drop-down list of editable fields, you need to select the 'Add' option and a form will fill in on the right side, where you can add a new value.
For certain fields, such as Entity ID, Create date, Updated date, the user can`t change values, but can view the change history.
In some entities, referrals are available in the detailed view - this can be a list оf processes or a single item when you click on the eye icon, which also opens a detailed view with the ability to edit.
If you click on the eye icon for a certain process, you can see detailed information on it, add something or delete this process.