Send email
This task will send emails to the desired destination. This task has the following settings:
From name - It's the name that is displayed in an inbox above or to the left of the subject line. It tells the recipient who sent the message or who it’s 'from'.
From email - here you can the address of the email sender. Keep in mind that to use a custom "From email" you first need to contact your HyperCoach to validate your domain. Otherwise, this feature won't work and emails won't be sent.
Reply-to email - this will be the email of the person who will receive replies to the sent email.
Destination emails (to) - here you can set the receivers of the emails. you can enter up to 15 addresses here, they can be separated by a comma, semicolon, or whitespace. You can also use variables like the email of the CMS contact or CMS organization(it works with other entities too). To link such an email you should have the needed entity set as a property of the process, then you can enter the entity id of the email field in {{}} brackets. Example - {{}}.
Destination emails (cc) - here you can set the receivers of the email copies. Has the same possibilities and limitations as 'Destination emails (to)'.
Destination emails (bcc) - here you can set the receivers of the hidden email copies. Has the same possibilities and limitations as 'Destination emails (to)'.
You can enable the computed mode for all previously mentioned fields.
Default template - here you can select the email template and edit the mapping of the template. You can also select the language of the default template.
The field also supports computed expressions, but keep in mind that in the end, the computed expression has to return an entity id of the template. You can find the entity ID of email templates in the 'Email templates' CMS object.
Template mapping will allow you to choose templates based on the process property. To set up mapping click on the 'show template option'
There you should choose a process property that will be used for mapping and the mapping rules.
Example (see screenshot above) - the node sends email in the Dutch language by default, because the Dutch template is selected as default.
We added the 'Language' property as a mapping property and selected the right template for the English language. Now the email node will send an email in English if the language is selected in the process property field.
Attachment property This setting allows you to send file attachments with your emails. Here you can select a file-type property of the process. The email node will attach the files that are saved in the chosen property to the sent email.
You can enable email logging for every 'send transactional email node'
If this option is enabled (This switch also supports computed expressions, but keep in mind that the expression should return TRUE or FALSE at the end), every email that was sent by this node will be recorded in the 'email logs' CMS entity.
This CMS entity has prebuilt metrics that can show you the email status analytics.
Each log shows the status of the message and the ID of the workflow process and the task that sent the email.
Continue on fail
The email node can fail if there are no email destinations (example - the contact has empty email fields). You can turn on the setting that allows the process to continue even if the email node fails.
You can also decide whether the output of the node is skipped on the fail. Both switches support computed expressions (expression should return TRUE or FALSE).
You can add multiple forms to your email.
The settings of the form are the same as in the 'Generate form URL' node.
Template variable name
In this field, you can set the variable that will be used in the email template.
Example - You can create an unsubscribe button with the link to the unsubscribe form. In the link field of the button settings, you should enter the form variable name in curly brackets (see screenshot)
Send mail history
After the process ends to send mail, you can check it in the history on the side drawer, where:
- Send email destination shows delivery mail status Deliveryт/ Warning / Bounce (1)
- Email sending details button (2)
After clicking on the button (2) the window "Email sending details" will appear, where:
- Click the "Preview" button to see how the email looks in a browser and on a mobile device (1)
- Click the "Details" button (2)
- Recipient(s) to (3)
- Delivery status(4)
- Date and time (5)
- Displays the count of email openings (6)
- Displays the count of clicks on a button in an email (7)
After clicking on the "details" button the side drawer will open
- "Global status" section (1) (we have no information from AWS who clicked and opened the email, only the IP address, because of this, we show this information at the global message level)
- Send and Delivery status shows only once (2)
- Open status means that mail was opened (3)
- Click status displayed how many times the user clicked on the link and which link in the mail(4)
- "User history" section which shows only Send and Delivery status (5)