Login process
To log in to the HyperPortal you should enter your email address, then the authentication code will be sent to your email. Enter the code from the email and press the confirm button.

If the user`s email is in multiple records, then they can choose what contact to log in under.

The user will be able to log in only if their email is listed in the email (work) field or email (private) field, the code will be sent to both addresses.
So in order to grant your team access to the HyperPortal, first you need to create a contact record for each member and fill out all the necessary information (Don`t forget the email address). Contact is one of the default HyperPortal entities, which is created automatically during the initial environment setup. Creating your custom entities can be found here.
To create a contact you need to choose the CMS option at the top, then click on Contact under the CRM section. Then click on the add contact button at the top right corner.

Now you can enter all necessary information such as first and last name, language, communication info (Phone numbers, email addresses.), etc. After you have entered all the necessary information, you can save the contact data by clicking on the button at the bottom.

A freshly created user won`t be able to view any information upon login.
Access to viewing and editing any content in the HyperPortal is managed by 3 sources:
Permissions of Group to which the contact belongs Individual permissions of the contact Admin rights, granted to the contact. This topic is explained in detail here here
Meanwhile, to give basic permissions to the user you should add them to the correct group in the Groups field. Groups have their set of permissions that are extended to the users that you add to the group.

During the creation of the contact, you can give the super admin rights to the user.
Super admin rights can ony be granted by other super admins. This permission is only for advanced consultants and developers.

This will unlock more features such as GDPR portal, Domains, XDMS, API keys, integrations, and Apps. Those features can be accessed via the profile settings.