A user that is logged in to the Hyper Portal can access the main functions of the system using the top section of a website. Header contains the following sections: 'CRM', 'Leasing', 'Templates', 'Workflows', 'CMS', 'Hyper BI', updates, notifications and user dropdown menu.

The 'CRM' section is a drop-down menu through which the user has access to the pages 'Organizations', 'Contacts', 'Groups'.
- On the 'Organizations' page, the user can see a list of existing organizations, add a new one by filling out a form with the required data and set certain settings for that entity.
- On the 'Contacts' page, you can access and export contacts, add a new contact, search and view a list of existing contacts.
- The 'Groups' page gives access to the group manager where you can see details, members, and the hierarchical relationships of groups.

Through the top menu item 'Leasing' the user navigates to the pages 'Calculator', 'Contacts', 'Settings'.
- Information about cash in and cash out is available on the 'Calculator' page, as well as the option to add contracts.
- On the 'Contracts' page, you can see a list of available contracts, the option to add a new contract, and search the list of existing contracts.
- On the 'Settings' page, there is a table with information about the latest updates

'Templates' drоpdоwn menu includes 'Emails', 'Dоcuments' and 'Fоrms' menu items.
- 'Dоcuments' here you can manage your documents templates.

'Workflows' menu includes 'Your dashboard', 'Processes', 'Tasks'.
- On the 'Your dashboard' page you can manage tasks, as well as general information about the processes, and start the process.
The CMS (content management system) allows to manage entities, typically business objects (e.g, vehicles, assets, contracts), that are completely customizable.

There are two options on the 'HyperBI' page. the first is 'embedded BI'. It can be set by the consultant.

The 'integrated BI' can be configured in HyperPortal. You can learn more about it here.
By clicking on the 'Updates' icon, the user will see recent updates from HyperPortal.

By clicking on the 'Notification' icon, the user will see recent mentions.

Mentions can be left under any entity item or process in the 'comments' section.

In the 'User dropdown menu' the user has access to the pages:
- 'Admin',
- 'Language',

- Lоg оut.