The 'Topic' block is the subject of the 'body' section and can be used to display content that needs to be extra visible. You can set it apart by adding a background color, use and image or video, etc..
The text settings to the right of your screen allow you to add or edit content
This is the very first text line visible in the Topic block, it's visible above the title in a small fontsize.
This is the second text line, it's visible underneath the Prefix and printed in a large fontsize.
This is the third text line, it's printed underneath the Title in a semi large fontsize.
This is the main Topic content. It's printed in a small fontsize. Depending on the length of your content the image to the left of the text will be automatically enlarged to fit the full size of the Topic block column.
This setting will align your text/content to the Left or Right.
To customize the Topic block you can choose what will be displayed, you can pick an image, use a solid color or play a video.
Select a still image or video from your media library.
Upload a new image or use an existing image from your library. Click the "Open Media Library" button and choose your image or video.
Set the size for your chosen image or video. You can select 40%, 50% or 60%. The image or video will be visible in a column to the left or the right of the Text content. You can change the alignment in the Text settings.
When scrolling down the page the whole Topic block will stick to the top of your screen all other content blocks will scroll underneath. This feature can be used to give the block some extra visibility.
Click the rectangular box to pick a solid background color.
Click the rectangular box to pick a text color.
When enabled the video will start playing when opening the page. If not enabled play/stop buttons will be added.
When enabled this will add play/pauze buttons to the Video.
Full will display the Topic across the full width of your screen. When you set this to Reduced it will add spacing/padding to the left and right side of your Topic block.
You can add multiple buttons, for this you need to press on '+ Add' icon. You can also insert a link (internal or url):
a) Select a Button style, there are 6 styles available
b) Add Text to your button to make it visible
c) Button URL, copy the chosen link, but don't forget to insert it for every language.
d) Internal link, pick your page from a list of pages available in Hyper Builder, which in this case automatically will be chosen for every language.