CRM features

Organizations & Contacts


'Organization' and 'Contacts' are CRM entities, you can learn more about entities here.


The 'Organization' entity is used to add organizations and businesses to HyperPortal.

Creating the organization

To add a new organization you need to click on CRM -> Organizations, then on Add: Organization.

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Then at the left side of the screen, you can enter information about the organization that you want to add, such as name, location, communication data, communication preferences, etc.

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You can also add existing contact entity items as organization members, but it can only be done from the contact`s side.

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You can check the members of the organization in the contact referrals section of the organization`s page.

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The Contact entity is used to add clients and employees to HyperPortal.

Creating the contact

To add a new contact you need to click on CRM ->contacts, then on Add: contact.

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Now you can enter all necessary information such as first and last name, language, communication info (Phone numbers, email addresses.), etc.

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It`s important to enter the user`s email address to give them the ability to log in to HyperPortal. You can learn more about the login process and contact management here.

Contacts can be assigned to Groups to manage their permissions. You can learn more about groups here and here you can learn more about permissions.

Contacts also are can be used to work with GDPR, you can learn more about GDPR.

After the creation of the new contact, the new XDMS organization is created. This is because the contact can`t exist in XDMS without an organization.

Updated 03 Mar 2023
Doc contributor
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