Tasks aka Nodes

Manual task


Manual tasks are used when you need human input in the workflow process (e.g. - you need to manually fill out the information about the customer/vehicle so it can be processed by other nodes). There are the following settings:

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Here you can describe the nature of the task, what should be done, etc. (You can enter it for each available language).


Here you can the deadline for the task. It will be displayed on the dashboard. You can also set the deadline permissions for the task by clicking on the 'cog' icon near the deadline settings.

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In this menu, you can set which users or groups can see or/and edit the deadline of the task.

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Here you can set the priority of the task. The priority of the task decides where it will be placed on the dashboard (e.g. - urgent tasks are displayed at the top of the list.)

Required fields

You can choose the required fields from the process properties. The person who is working on the task wouldn`t be able to finish it without filling in those fields. You can choose entity-type properties or their child properties as required fields.

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The required child properties will be displayed in the tooltip in the task window.

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Optional fields

The optional fields function is similar to the required fields, except the task can be completed if these fields are empty.

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Optional fields are displayed in their section on the task window

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Executor information

The entity ID of the user(contact) that completed the task is displayed in the task output under $json.executor.entityId. You can use this info to get the contact with the "get process" values node if you place it right after the manual task

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The manual task can also be autocompleted. You can read about it here.

Here you can see how the manual tasks are displayed on the process page.