Generate form URL
This task can generate the URL of the form and transfer data from the process properties to it. This task has the following settings:
Form - here you can select the form from the saved templates. The URL will be generated based on the selected form.
Property mappings - here you set the property mappings.
You can select form fields and the corresponding process properties. The mapped data from the process will be transferred to the form field.
This feature can be used to prefill form fields that are not in the forms UI (The customer doesn`t see those fields), most of the time those fields are used for internal data.
Keep in mind that if you prefill form fields that are in the forms UI, the customer`s responses in those fields will be overwritten. Output link property - here you can set the process property field where the form link will be saved. Then you can use this field to send the link with the 'send transactional email' node.