With the Forms, HyperPоrtal user has a pоssibility automatically push form data into CRM modules and prefill values in a form from CRM.
Before creating a new fоrm you must carry out a search to see if the fоrm already exists. To view existing forms, open the Hyper Portal and select 'Templates' from the top menu. Fоllоwing from the drop-down list, select 'Forms'.
There are currently a number of default forms - 'Sell form', 'Vehicle contact form', 'General contact form', 'Job form'.
Currently, the form builder has no UI, so you can only edit your forms as a JSON file.
You can try building a new form by yourself using this guide, or you can contact your hyper coach.
To access the page where you can fill out the page you need to go to //form/{formid}. Example - I want to get the link for the 'Vehicle contact form'
I need to click on the edit icon, then you will see the form ID at the top.
Then I need to enter the ID in the link - //form/hyperDealerVehicleContactForm. The link will look like this -
Then the form will be opened.
The data from the filled forms will be saved as entity items. You can find those items by searching 'forms' in the CMS search menu.
Added the ability to add to the request to submit the form with the language field. If the schema has its own field named language, it will be applied as a priority, but if it is missing in the schema, it will be added automatically and filled with the value - the localization language in which the user's page was when submitting the form.