Filters are used by multiple HyperPortal features, they allow to display/get/modify content depending on set conditions.
Meet ALL/ANY condition - in this setting, you can decide whether all conditions should be met or only one.
Example - let`s create two conditions for the list view of the contact entity. The first condition - the country is Belgium. The second condition - gender is female.
If 'ALL' is chosen, only contacts that meet two conditions will be displayed.
If we click on 'meet any of the following conditions' the system will display contacts that meet any of the conditions.
The group of conditions allows us to use multiple conditions as one single condition.
Next to the 'add condition' button, there is an 'add group' button. Instead of one condition, you can add a group of conditions.
Inside the condition group, you can add other conditions or groups.
Group conditions are useful when you want to display/get/modify multiple groups of items. For example, I can create a filter that shows me blue diesel cars and red electric cars. First I need to create two groups.
The first group will contain conditions for blue diesel cars, and the second group will contain conditions for red electric cars. For the main filter, we should select 'meet any conditions', so the cars from each group will appear. We should also select 'meet all' in each group.
The result of this filter will show two groups of cars.