Entity creation/managment


Tо create an entity you need to go to CMS at the top, then click оn the 'Add' button (only 'Portal administrators' can create entities, you can learn more about permissions here).

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Basic information

In the opened form, you can enter the following information: Basic information - Entity name (you can choose a different name for each language), Custom icon (you need to copy the icon`s name from the collection to the correct field), select Background of an icon, and Color of an icon.

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In the Permissions settings, it is possible to choose which groups can view or/and create an item, also there is an option to give permission not only to groups but to individual contacts. You can read more about permission settings here.

To edit an existing entity you need to find it in the 'Entities' menu on the left side of the screen (you can use the search function.) then click on the cog icon next to the entity`s name.

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To view and edit an entity item you should select the entity on the left side of the screen, then click the eye icon near the required item

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On the Properties tab, it is possible to add a property of any type (plain text, list, file, entity, checkbox, email, rich text, date, number, link, phone, JSON).

To add the new property, click on the needed property tab on the left. It will appear at the bottom of the property list.

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To add a new section you should click on the 'Add new section' button, it will appear at the bottom of the page.

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You can move properties and sections by dragging them by the icon on the right.

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Internal properties are created by default. Entity ID and create date are generated automatically at the creation of the entity and can`t be modified. The update date field also can`t be modified, it updates automatically after each edit. In the Owner property, the user can set the owner of the item from the contacts entity.

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Every property has basic settings. Basic information - property title (you can choose a different name for each language). Permissions - you can set permissions for editing and viewing properties for user groups and individual users, you can read more about permissions here.

Validations - here you can set a property field as a required field, without it the entity item will refuse to save.

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Each type of property has additional settings that are related to it. They will be described in their sections.

List option

Some types of properties (file, entity type) have a 'List' option available. You can choose multiple items in a field when the option is enabled.

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You can remove items from the field by clicking on the red X icon near the item`s name. Please keep in mind that you can`t toggle the list setting after the property creation. It will be greyed out and you will need to create a new entity if you need this feature.

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Hidden properties

If the property is successfully created, it can`t be deleted. It works that way to ensure the correct work of the database. You can hide unneeded properties by clicking on the 'eye' icon next to the property name.

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The hidden property won`t be displayed on the items page, but you can still refer to this property in computed expressions and workflows.

You can hide all hidden properties on the settings page by clicking on 'Show hidden fields'.

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Computed properties

Such property types as create date(internal), title(internal), plain text, number, and checkbox have an option to be computed.

You can give a property a dynamic value, that is automatically updated based on an expression you provide, by clicking on the 'Computed' toggle button. This allows you to combine the values of other properties into one, or to perform a mathematical formula on values.

Other properties can be included in the expression by using their ID. Note that the values of computed properties will be calculated automatically and therefore can not be modified manually. However, you can always make the property non-computed again by switching off the "Computed" toggle.

To use other entities in computed properties you should first add them as property.

You can link properties of other items, but not the property that the linked item refers to, for example - if you want to link a code of the engine you can do it by creating a reference engine.code, that will work correctly.

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But if you try to add an entity that the engine is referring to, it won`t work, it will only show you the entityid of the item.

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That is because "Make" is the entity that "Engine" referred to.

When you are referring to a date-type property in a non-date property field you should use a TEXT() command with the preferred format.

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If you won`t use the Text() command you will get the output as an integer value representing the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (Jan 1 1970 12AM UTC).

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Keep in mind that frequent use of computed properties will cause the slower performance of HyperPortal.

You can read more about all available commands for computed properties here.

Prоperty types

  • Plain text

Plain text prоperty type is used fоr adding any text that isn't formatted. It does not take any special formatting, such as varying fonts, font sizes, bold font, or italics. It also only contains standard characters, which are those found in the default set of characters that an application can display. When you enable the 'Multi line' toggle button, you can add text with several lines.

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  • Rich text

Rich text is a type of text that is formatted with common formatting options, such as bold and italics, that are unavailable with plain text.

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  • List type

List type is used to add a list of text items.

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  • Date

The Date field lets users enter a date in the proper date format. If the user enables the toggle button 'Allow time selection', it will be possible to add time in the field. The 'Allow time selection' feature can`t be enabled when the computed property setting is on.

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  • File type

Users can upload files here, the types of files can also be restricted - PDF, Word, Spreadsheet, Audiо, Video. The user can add multiple files if the list option is enabled. The stored files can be downloaded from the property field.

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  • Number

This type of property is used for numerical values. Here you can set the precision of the displayed numbers. The value that you enter will determine the number of digits that will be displayed after the period. If you enable the thousands separator it will place a comma every 3 decimal places for numbers larger than 999.

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Here you can also specify the name of the unit(for example USD, EUR, kg, LBS, etc.) for each available language.

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  • Entity type

Here you can refer to other entities by selecting them in the menu. This will allow you to use items from different entities as properties. The user can select multiple items from the linked entity when the list option is toggled on.

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You can also use filters when you are looking for items in a 'entity' type field. Click on the 'edit' button then choose the 'Filtering table' icon (see the screenshot below).

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On this tab, you can browse all available items and apply filters. You can learn more about filters here.

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To choose the item you need to click on the checkmark next to it, then on select. You can choose multiple items if the field has a 'list' property enabled.

  • Link type

Link Field Type enables Forms to collect Hyperlinks from users. It collects two types of information about the Hyperlink: 1) Display Text 2) URL to Link.

  • Checkbоx type

This property creates a checkbox that has two options - Yes and No.

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  • Phоne type

This form will allow you to enter the phone number and choose the country to which it belongs.

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  • Email type

The form for email addresses.

  • JSОN

You can enter a JSON file in this field type. for example, you can use this field for saving responses from a billing company when you process client Orders


At the bottom of each entity item, you can find the 'Referrals' section. There you can find which other items are referring to the selected item. The items are sorted by entities.

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You can use this feature to find for example which vehicles use the 1.5 L Dragon engine (see screenshot above). You can customize the view of the items by using the 'list view' function.