


To add a chart please click on the 'Add widget' button (see screenshot below), then on 'chart'.

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You can delete the chart by clicking on the 'delete icon' (see screenshot below)

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Chart settings

Titles - here you can name the chart in all languages that are available on your tenant.

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Here you can choose a cms entity that will be used to form a chart (for example contacts, vehicles, organizations, etc.) and a type of chart.

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Chart types

  • Pie and donut - those charts use pie slices to show relative sizes of data
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  • Bar chart - presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights proportional to the values that they represent
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  • Step, area step, line, spline, area spline. area - all are variants of the chart that tracks the changes of the certain value(s) over time.
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  • Funnel chart - specialized chart type that typically demonstrates the flow of users through a business or sales process. For example, it can be used to show how many users opened your email, then clicked the link, etc.
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  • Metric chart - this chart is most of the time used to display a single number (average price of the car, number of orders, etc.) The settings and functions of this chart are the same as in the clickable metrics in CMS (except the metrics in the HyperBI can`t be clickable)
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Metrics determine the type of calculation that will be done to the values of the chosen entity. They are responsible for the display of the values on the Y-axis.

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Count values - this metric will count all items, for example - it will show the number of cars that were sold on a certain day.

Count unique values - this metric is the same as 'count values' but it only includes unique values, you can also select the property that will be counted

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For example - it will only count one red car if there are six of them.

This metric is also available in all charts.

Sum - this metric sums all numerical values. Only 'number-type' properties can be selected for this metric

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For example - you can create a chart that shows your daily revenue (the sum of the prices of the cars that were sold each day).

This metric is not available in pie charts.

Average - this metric shows an average numeric value. Only 'number-type' properties can be selected for this metric.

For example - you can create a chart that shows an average price of a car that was sold on a certain day.

This metric is not available in pie charts.

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Max - this metric shows the highest numeric value. Only 'number-type' properties can be selected for this metric.

For example - the chart will show the price of the most expensive car that was sold on a certain day.

This metric is not available in pie charts.

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Min - this metric shows the lovest numeric value. Only 'number-type' properties can be selected for this metric.

For example - the chart will show the price of the cheapest car that was sold on a certain day.

This metric is not available in pie charts.

You can use multiple metrics in one chart (not in pie charts). Adding a new metric will add a new graph.

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Aggregation determines how values are displayed on the X-axis.

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There are two types of aggregation - date histogram and aggregation by terms,

Date histogram - this type of aggregation will display the change of values over time. In the settings of the histogram, you can choose a 'date-type' property of the entity that was chosen in the 'target' section.

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You should also choose a minimum interval from one hour to one year. If, for example, the day is selected, all items that were created in one day will be displayed on one point of the chart.

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Terms aggregation

This type of aggregation will group values on the X-axis by terms

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In the settings, you can choose a property that will be used for aggregation, the order of values (alphabetical or by count), and the maximum items that will be displayed.

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On the screenshot belove you can see the graph with the size set to two.

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Sub aggregation

You can add a second layer of aggregation to the existing one. To do that, you need to click on the 'Add Sub Aggregation' button.

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The sub-aggregation will create multiple graphs depending on the settings of the aggregation.

Example - we have a chart with the email logs that are aggregated by date.

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We then can aggregate this chart by statuses of email logs using the aggregation by terms.

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By applying the sub aggregation we are splitting one graph into several new graphs aggregated by email statuses.

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You can filter data before forming a chart (For example you can exclude electric cars from a summary).

Here you can select any property and its condition.

You can set multiple conditions. There are two modes for filters with multiple conditions.

All - This mode will show records that meet all set conditions.

Any - This mode shows records that meet any of the set conditions.

Example of usage - I want to form a chart from email logs with the 'Open' status that were created after 10.01.2021. The filter will look like that

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Updated 03 Mar 2023
Doc contributor
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