Bulk operations with items (update/delete)


In CMS entities tables, it is now possible to select all elements not only on the page, but in the entire definition. To select all elements in the definition, you must first select all elements on the page by individually selecting all the elements or ticking the checkbox in the table header. Then the Select all {{$$$}} items button will appear above the table header.

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Selecting all elements in the definition is possible only if the number of elements exceeds the number displayed on the page. Changing the page, pagination size (items per page), or deselecting one item from the selection list will reset select all selection in the definition.

Mass actions are available for bulk updating of the data of selected items, as well as deleting them.

Bulk actions can be performed on the entityId selection, when you select either individually manually, or all items on the page. The action will take place by passing the entityId list to the endpoint server. When selecting items through the Select All function in the definition, a filterRequest object will be passed to the server, on the basis of which the server itself will find all the elements that match the search criteria.

The action can be executed synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the number of elements passed to the operation. If there are up to 300 elements, the server will synchronously update/delete the items and the frontend will pull these changes. If more than 300 elements participate in the operation, then the action will be processed asynchronously using the queue, which means that the frontend will receive a notification about the successful start of the operation, but the change will NOT be pulled. Moreover, even manually reloading the page immediately after the start of the operation may not pull up the changes, the time for processing the requested action is affected not only by the number of elements, but also by the load of the queue itself.

The "Bulk Edit" feature is available in both the CMS and Workflows > Processes > Task. This functionality allows you to update properties of multiple selected items simultaneously in a table view. Feature available for Admin users and users with "Bulk edit" permission


  1. For example, choose the group "Account Manager"
  2. Add to the group permission with the name "Bulk edit"

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  3. Find the user for whom you want to enable bulk editing.

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How to Use Bulk Edit in CMS Table and Workflows tasks:

After when we select an item(s) that we want to update click on the "Bulk edit" button there will be an opened side drawer bulk edit menu where:

  1. Select Property to Update: Choose the property (e.g., Language) from the list. Turn on the toggle (1) to activate the property for editing.
  2. Choose the new value for the selected property (2)
  3. Grayed-out properties won’t be updated (3)
  4. An active field will be provided for text input (4)
  5. Click "Cancel" to exit without making updates (5)
  6. Click "Save" to apply updates to all selected items (6)
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Bulk edit in Workflows > Process > task:

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